Dr. Aretoula Fullam

Contact Information Aretoula Fullam, Ph.D. 38
E. Ridgewood Avenue #217 Ridgewood,
NJ 07450
Phone: (201) 612-8200 Fax: (201) 612-8200
Dr. Aretoula Fullam
Dr. Aretoula Fullam, a resident of Ridgewood, New Jersey, received her PhD in Psychology with specialty in personality, health
psychology and human development from Rutgers University. Dr. Fullam continued her career in psychology and health as a Clinical
Instructor and Research Fellow Scientist at UMDNJ – New Jersey Medical School focusing her research in disabilities,
especially Multiple Sclerosis. Following this, Dr. Fullam accepted a position at Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women’s
Hospital in Boston, as a Research Fellow in Medicine, where she conducted research and studies in the Division of Sleep Medicine
and Mind/Body Medicine. She has trained in Clinical Mind/Body Medicine with Herbert Benson, MD. Dr. Fullam received additional
training from Harvard Medical School and is certified in "Mind/Body Medicine", in “Spirituality and Healing in Medicine"
and in "Meditation and Psychotherapy."
Dr. Fullam, conducted an extensive research on the role of mental representations developed in infancy known as Internal Working
Model (IWM), or Delta/Theta Programming, and how this developed emotional/cognitive “inner knowing” affects the
decisions people make in their lives, their choices they make in romantic relationships, success, problem solving, life outcomes,
interpersonal and intrapersonal relationships, dealing with stressors and in health (emotional, physical, psychological/mental
and immunological).
She extended her research to study Emotional Intelligence, emotional expression, emotional ambivalence, resilience, psychopathology,
social support, perceived stress and its effect on attention. She also included in her research variables and experiments
to test for cardiovascular activity and immune response under stress and non-stressful conditions. The results from her studies
demonstrated in more than 1000 participants and at a level of significance p<. 00001, that the programming (conditioning)
of the early developing brain predominantly vibrating at delta and theta brain wave frequencies, affects significantly the
later performance in life and health in all the areas studied and mentioned above.
Dr. Fullam developed a course in Emotional Intelligence, which, has been adopted in the curriculum of Rutgers University,
where she presently is a professor in the Department of Psychology.
Her expertise and training in the Silva Method Programs combined with her expertise in Psychology and Medicine, offers Dr.
Fullam a leading position, expertise and uniqueness enabling her to help thousands of people who attend her seminars and seek
her professional counseling and coaching; they learn in pragmatic and practical ways to leave behind past negative programming
and embrace their new empowered and intuitive self.
Dr. Fullam, has used the Silva Method program to conduct research on the efficacy of Dynamic Meditation and Creative Visualization
in people with Multiple Sclerosis and showed significant results of improvement in psychological and emotional variables,
reduction of MS related symptoms, improvements in mobility, sleep, feelings of security, stress management, and above all,
improvements in quality of life and many other variables measured in the prospective study and follow-up. Her program in
alleviating MS symptoms is widely accepted and is offered to people with disabilities who report amazing results.
Dr. Fullam is an active member of the American Psychological Association (APA) since she was at the Graduate School, an active
member of the Society of Consulting Psychology (SCP), a division of APA, Psi Chi The National Honor Society in Psychology,
Alpha Sigma Lambda National Honor Society and Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society. She is a professional affiliate of the
Human Nature Review, the International Society for the Study of Personal Relationships and the Psychiatric Research Group.
Dr. Fullam presented the results of her studies and workshops in professional national and international conferences (including
Dr. Fullam is a certified consultant from the Society of Consulting Psychology, a division of the American Psychological Association
and has extensive experience in consulting and coaching at the corporate, executive and personal level. Dr. Fullam specializes
in Executive Coaching as well as in Personal Coaching applying the latest knowledge of emerging trends in business leadership
helping to build a self-development plan, through her expertise in teaching objective and subjective techniques that help
individuals to overcome seemingly surmounting obstacles. Dr. Fullam and her husband, Bill Fullam who is also an APA Certified
Executive Consultant and Coach and a Silva Success Certified Coach have a mission in life to help people discover their fullest
potential and become awakened through their seminars and consulting and coaching practice.
Dr. Fullam received and continues to receive numerous honors and awards including the Award for Excellence in Scholarship
Teaching, Research and Achievement, for two consecutive years, from Rutgers University, the Daniel S. Lehrman Doctoral Fellowship
in Psychology, Award for Research into causes and/or treatment of social problems in relation to health issues from the New
Jersey Psychological Association; Research Award from the Graduate Deans Office Rutgers University; Research Award from the
Department of Psychology Rutgers University; and the Alpha Sigma Lambda National Honor Society Scholarship Award. In addition
to her scholarly excellence, Dr. Fullam received awards for her participation and contribution in The International Student
Cultural Exchange Corps (ISCEC), for three consecutive years. Dr. Fullam received an additional number of scholarships, fellowships
and awards during the years of her studies, too many to list here.
Dr. Fullam is a frequently invited speaker at organizations, community events, societies, health meetings, metaphysical societies,
business trainings, libraries, professional advancement and motivation trainings. Dr. Fullam has been interviewed, presented
and featured in newspapers, radio programs and live TV shows. Dr. Fullam was nominated and received the highly prestigious
award as a hero in the event of “Honoring Our Heroes” that took place in November 4th, 2007, hosted by Group M,
the Palisades Center and The Journal News for recognizing everyday heroes in the community of Rockland County New York and
Northern New Jersey. Dr. Fullam was nominated "in grateful appreciation and recognition of her continued support, dedicated
service to community and incredible impact on her patient’s lives and well being, as well as her continued excellence,
dedication, compassion and outstanding achievement, serving as an example and inspiration to people whose lives she touches
and who make a difference in their own lives as graduates of her seminars and programs and professional counseling and help.
Dr. Fullam has not hesitated to offer scholarships to people with special needs and disabilities to attend her self-healing
and self-empowering seminars. Presently, Dr. Fullam and her husband Bill Fullam serve on the International Board of Advisors
for the Silva Organization.
Dr. Fullam is a Certified Instructor to present and teach all the Silva Method Seminars and workshops, including workshops
she created as a professional psychologist, Emotional Intelligence Expert and scientist. Dr. Jose Silva, his son Tony Silva
and his daughter Laura Silva have trained Dr. Fullam. She has also received additional training from many world renowned
and legendary instructors, Dr. Harry F. McKnight, Dr. Robert B. Stone, Burt Goldman, Drs. Tag and Judith Powell, Dr. Cleve
Backster (Primary Perception), Dr. Rosa A. Rivas, renowned artist Nelda Sheets and Fr. Justin Belitz. Dr. Fullam had the
unique opportunity to meet Dr. Masaru Emoto, one of the leading researchers in the effects of thought on water, internationally
acclaimed Psychiatry, Physician and Silva Graduate expert Dr. Clancy D. McKenzie, internationally acclaimed oncologist Dr.
O. Carl Simonton, and personally meet with world renowned polygraph expert in lie detection and bio-communication Dr. Cleve
Backster, internationally renowned author and speaker in the field of motivation Dr. Wayne W. Dyer and renowned physician,
surgeon and author Dr. Bernie Siegel.
The uniqueness and the advantage of learning from Dr. Fullam is that she offers you the best of both worlds, the world of
science and research from the world's best Medical School and University, Harvard Medical School, and the best from the Mind/Body/Spirit
research. She shares her knowledge with you, combining her expertise in the field of Psychology, Personality, Health and Science
and her expertise and training in the field of Parapsychology, especially Psychorientology (the science of educating the mind
to function consciously within its own psychic dimension; it means becoming aware of the enormity of human potential and learning
how to actualize this potential for the betterment of humanity), researched and developed by Dr. Jose Silva. Even though she
investigated different disciplines and approaches to metaphysics and spiritual growth, received extensive training in Hypnosis
and other meditation traditions and has been trained in Kundalini Yoga, Relaxation Response, TM, Zen Buddhism, Soto Zen, as
a scientist, she has found The Silva Method, a superb training that brings science and spirituality together in (a) a unique
scientific way; (b) is suitable for all people who truly desire to experience the mind/body/spirit connection; (c) is offering
immediate results with validity and reliability; (d) provides an objective evidence of the subjective psychic functioning
ability at the completion of the training, and (e) anything applied from the outside only treats symptoms temporarily. When
you know how to do it yourself with conscious awareness at the alpha level of consciousness, you TREAT the CAUSE of the problem,
addiction, habit, symptom or illness. That is why the Silva Method has worked better than hypnosis, yoga, biofeedback and
other procedures. The Silva Method succeeds where other methods succeed, and it also succeeds where they (the other methods),
fail - because with the Silva Method training you are helping yourself. This is the Silva Method's "secret" of success.
Dr. Fullam, is showing you how to turn anxiety, stress and worries into positive energy for your success, transforming unproductive
habits into productive ones and how to get in touch with the “Genius” within you, by eradicating the limiting
beliefs - IWM programming - that holds you back and replacing this failure system with a productive IWM, a new belief system
that leads you to the “Genius default" within and the fabulous life you deserve to live.
Dr. Fullam works with individuals, executives and organizations nationally and internationally, who desire to improve their
health, relationships, business, sales, profits, sports, enjoyment and life, either through attending her seminars and workshops
or in private sessions through her professional counseling and coaching. Dr. Fullam is a psychologist who advises talented
individuals and organizations on how to work smarter and skillfully in the right direction instead of continuing to work harder
in the wrong direction. Give yourself the opportunity to meet and be trained by Dr. Aretoula Fullam, a world-renowned Scientist,
Psychologist, Consultant, Coach and an International Silva Method Instructor and Mind Development Trainer, a human being who
has achieved excellence in many areas in her life and is sharing unselfishly the key to success with you!
Dr. Fullam, known as “The Professional Who Trains Professionals” is conducting seminars with her husband, Bill
Fullam, who is also a Certified Coach and Certified Instructor in Mind Development and Stress Management from Silva International.
Bill is a Physicist with expertise in infrared electro-optics, Business Management and Sales Training. He is the creator,
developer and director of The GuideMind.com. Together, Dr. Fullam and Bill Fullam are teaching nationally and internationally.
Having lived abroad and exposed to the philosophies, spirituality and wisdom of many cultures and countries, Dr. Fullam exposes
her students to a "no limit approach to goal achievement” for success. She has traveled and continues to travel and
teach as far as Asia and Europe.
Give yourself the opportunity to meet and be trained by Dr. Fullam, a human being who has achieved excellence in all areas
of her life!

Bill Fullam
Founder and Director of the Silva
Method New Jersey GuideMind.com, Bill Fullam holds degrees in Electronics Engineering and Physics with highest honors from
Fairleigh Dickinson University (FDU. Bill is a Physicist with expertise in Infra-red Electro-Optics, Business Management and
Sales Training. He is a member of a number of honor societies including Eta Kappa Nu National Honor Society. He has participated
in many international and national standards committees including ATSC / High-Definition Television (HDTV) and is a member
of the prestigious organization, IEEE. He is board certified and has developed and taught graduate level courses in Bioengineering
and Electro-Optical Physics. Bill has received many awards for his amateur photography and has designed commercial websites
with as many as six thousand pages.
In addition to training extensively as a Physicist, he has trained in the science of Psychorientology.
His interest in Parapsychology led him to study in depth with his wife, Dr. Aretoula Fullam, self-mind control, the different
levels of awareness and consciousness. As a natural intuitive with highly developed ESP he continued to study the Silva Mind
Development Seminars, the scientific foundations of the method, as well as other professional seminars in mind development
offered by other world renowned Instructors and contributors in the field, such as Dr. Masaru Emoto, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Dr. Robert
B. Stone, and many other. Bill is a graduate from the original BLS-4 Seminar, as well as the advance Graduate Seminar, the
Ultra Healing and the UltraMind ESP Systems Seminar. Bill has taken numerous advance Silva Method Seminars with legendary
Silva Method instructors, Dr. Harry F. McKnight, Nelda Sheets, Fr. Justin Belitz, Dr. Rosa A. Rivas, Dr. Joan McGillicuddy
and Dr. Antonio Estrada.
Bill is currently working in the field of Infrared Electro-Optical Physics for a multi-national
company and has traveled extensively. He is an International Silva Method Certified Instructor and he enthusiastically co-teaches
all the Silva Method Seminars with his wife, Nationally and Internationally. He mostly enjoys teaching the Youth Seminar capturing
his audience attention with his unique presentation of “The Silva Method and Harry Potter”!
Bill Fullam is a Certified Silva Success Coach. Bill has also received extensive training and certification
for Executive Consultation and Coaching from the Society of Consulting Psychology of the American Psychological Association.
He has extensive experience in consulting and coaching at the corporate, executive, professional and personal level, for over
30 years. He specializes in Executive Coaching applying the latest knowledge of emerging trends in business leadership helping
each individual to build a self-development plan with confidence, through his expertise in teaching extensively researched
objective and powerful subjective techniques that help individuals to overcome seemingly surmounting obstacles. He has a mission
in life to help people discover their fullest potential and become awakened through the personal consulting and coaching practice
and the dynamic meditation seminars he is teaching with his wife Dr. Fullam. He works with enthusiasm inspiring thousands
of people to discover their hidden treasure of skills, to clarify their goals and to take action to manifest a prosperous
and joyful “life,” by putting the “Master Key” in their hands to open any door in their lives they
Bill is a multi-talented individual who has the unique ability to convey the Silva Method concepts
and the even the more complex concept of quantum mechanics and energy with easy to understand models and metaphors that involve
science, common sense and humor, thus, captivating the attention of his audience.
Your experience in attending a Silva Method Seminar with Bill Fullam and his wife Dr. Aretoula Fullam
will be unique and memorable for years.