The Silva Method for Children

A 2 Day Children's Course for ages 6 to
12 years.

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"I like the Silva course because I know
it will help me in my future" Luca Mastrofini, Italy Change Your Thinking, Change Your Brain
Our children are exposed today to innumerable risks, dangers
and stressors.
Growing up in an environment that is emphasizing a lot of things that are not at all beneficial
to the natural growth of our children can have significant and detrimental effects towards ADD, ADHD, bullying, and trauma.
Dr. Aretoula Fullam, is a scientist with expertise in human development from childhood to adulthood. She
researched the development of internal working models and how these models are activated in life from events that are not
in harmony or in balance with the developing brain of children.
The ability to manage stress helps children
remain resilient in school, homework, concentration, learning and memory.
Dr. Fullam will teach your children
to master their innate ability to remain healthy, highly motivated, accomplish their homework and goals, stop hyperactivity,
increase their ability to concentrate and remain focused, develop self assertiveness, and overcome peer pressure, bullying
and uncomfortable events that cause their self-esteem to plummet.
In this workshop your child will learn the following:
The benefits of developing and understanding positive thought The development of leadership skills. The
development of focus and concentration and passing exams with As The secrets of achieving goals easily and effortlessly To relax and manage stress, worries, anxieties and fears Important steps to correct and smart spelling Creative
problem solving Reviewing, recalling and memorizing lessons. Listening and learning skills Reading skills
with concentration and focus To say NO to peer pressure and still have friends To improve memory and superior processing
of school work Improve sports abilities Manage hyperactivity and ADHD through meditation and visualization Manage
ADD with meditation and visualization Eliminate stress, hyperactivity, inattention Learn to communicate with parents,
friends and peers Executive
Control is one of the very few skills in life that are as important compared with the ability to exert control over the Executive
Center of one's brain. Results from research studies show that children with the ability to remain focused on a
goal, while filtering out irrelevant stimuli, stressors and unnecessary information they are being subjected to, especially
ignoring stray impulses, are more likely to succeed in life and school and do better as adults in work and life (Monitor,
May 2011, A publication of the APA). The Children's Seminar with Dr. Aretoula Fullam can help children cultivate
these essential cognitive skills and mental development, and most importantly maintain them as adults. A growing body
of research and evidence is showing and suggests that these mental skills can change not only behavior, but the structure
and chemistry of the brain itself. It is really an applied science in brain development and the plasticity of the brain.
"Today, as always,
teenagers have a lot of important decisions to make. 'Do I get in that car with my friends even though I know they've
been drinking?' 'My classmates are all trying drugs, should I try them too so that I'm not let out?' These
are just a few of the more critical ones. Then, there are the everyday choices tht could make a big difference later in life,
like: 'What courses should I take?' 'Is he/she the right person for me?' 'What college should I go to?'
Thinking back at my own teenage years and the choices I made without having Silva yet as a guide to help me, I decided that
I wanted more for my son. While Luca (age 11), and I were in New Jersey visiting my mom, I arranged with Dr. Fullam to give
Luca a training session. I was amazed at how good his concentration was. He sat there from 9 am till 6 pm for two straight
days listening to every word she said. At the end of the course he had already developed his ESP guessing not only the objects
we had put in a closed bag but also telling us which object we planned to hide in the bag next! I am so glad I have given
this gift to my son. He will soon reach the adolescent years and will start to make most of his own decisions. I am glad he
can now use his own inner judgement to make the right choices. Thanks Dr. Fullam for your part in this!
All participants receive a manual, a graduation certificate, and a graduate ID for free repeat privileges
all over the world, any time they desire. SILVA METHOD FOR CHILDREN Did you ever
wish to have had the Silva Method Training when you were younger?
Well, here's your opportunity to make your wish come true
for your child! As a parent you want the best for your child, so ...do not delay! As a graduate parent
you know first hand the value and worth of the Silva Method Seminar techniques! Every moment with the Silva Method Training
is worth millions of dollars for the young developing human being! Hurry-up! Our world today exposes children
to innumerable risks, dangers and stressors. Growing up in an environment that is emphasizing "doing" than "being"
can have deleterious effects on the developing brain. Why not give your child the resources to handle this experience better?
By learning to orient their thinking at the alpha brain wave frequency using the Silva Method Genius Management techniques,
your children can achieve anything they set their minds on! They can attract anything they desire, get the top grades, work
smarter, and even have abundance of free time and money! They will learn early in life the principles from the School of
Success to create a life of purpose by realizing their magnificence! You, a proud parent will have a growing Leonardo DaVincci
in your own home, and excel even to a higher level! Can you imagine how much more effective you would have been if you had
been given the Silva Method tools and techniques early in your life? Your child's confidence, self-esteem, self-worth,
and disciplined physical, emotional, mental and spiritual development will rise as their grades will be rising as he/she begins
to understand and use his/her full power and creativity. Your young Silva Method graduate will rise at the top attracting
the best in his/her life, enjoy the best of health and happiness with the right wonderful soul-mate partner. Your child
will be the one to create the life he/she wants rather than be a victim of the circumstances and reacting to them. Give the
opportunity to your child to develop a life based on the foundation of proven values and a life based on effortless growth
embracing their authentic self. Dr. Fullam, a psychologist with expertise in child development, mental representations
that guide our lives, and a certified Instructor of the Silva Method of New Jersey, offers you this unique opportunity to
enable your child to direct the natural power of creativity and imagination that they already possess. The untrained person
is processing information based on mental representations created from earlier experience. These Internal Working Models
(IWMs) can help your child be successful or mediocre. These IWMs if activated from present situations perceived as threats
rather than challenges will create a life of struggle. If your child opens his/her awareness to the infinite possibilities
of creative solutions, you and your child will be very happy, satisfied and joyful from the many successes. Help your child
create an IWM based on security, and knowledge that he/she is not his behavior or his/her body but instead, a being of love
manifesting a magnificent reality that surpasses any wild dream! By harnessing this internal power of the subconscious, they
can apply their charismatic skills and purpose to achieve the goals that are best for them and Humanity. Would you like to
enable your child to claim the success that is his/her birthright? The Silva Children's Course will guide your child
in using their inherent skills and genius to make their lives personally, socially and professionally rewarding. It will
be like having a guardian angel around them all the time, or even better, having a direct communication with the Source of
Everything, at will! Are you ready for it! Dr. Aretoula Fullam, presents this 2-day seminar.
Dr. Fullam studied the development of humans from infancy to adulthoold, the developing brain, the development of Internal
Working Models and how these mental representation affect one's life as adult. The developed IWMs can affect one's
life and personality in positive or negative ways depending on how the new information is being perceived and experienced.
In her dissertation, Dr. Fullam, studied one thousand individuals in the most important aspects of their lives, intra-personal
development and relationships, interpersonal communication, intimate relations, social interactions, social support, Emotional
Intelligence, and physical, emotional, psychological and immunological health. Dr. Fullam is a qualified
scientist to be entrusted with your child and a Certified Instructor for the children's Seminar. In
this seminar your child will learn: The development and importance of Mental Representations. The benefits of developing and understanding positive self talk. The use of creativity and imagination.
The development of leadership skills. To develop focus and concentration for problem solving. The secrets of achieving goals easily and
effortlessly. To be an A student and still have lots of free time for fun. To relax and manage
worries, anxieties and stress. To say NO to peer pressure and still have friends. To avoid
any deceitful approaches for drug use and bad habits. To improve memory and superior recall of information. To use the Silva techniques for more success academic and personal. To protect him/her self from
all risks leading to failure, such as peer pressure, cigarette smoking, alcohol, drugs and anything that puts them in danger. Invest in your child now.